The way we live and work is changing. In our interior design practices, we are increasingly aware of how our choices impact the environment, and we want to make smart decisions that reduce waste, carbon footprints, and pollution. I had the pleasure of sitting down with one of the leading sustainability consultants, Jordan Nordarse, on how our firm can be more sustainable.
As interior designers, we have the power to make sustainable renovations—and help those who follow in our footsteps do so as well. Sustainability practices can be incorporated into just about any renovation project: from kitchens and bathrooms to building materials and interior design elements such as lighting fixtures or window treatments. Here are some ways you can incorporate these practices into your interior design projects.
Sustainability in Interior Design - an Interview with Jordan Nordarse
Reusing and Recycling
Reusing and recycling are important, not only because they help the environment, but also because they can save you money. For example, if you have a broken lamp at home that needs fixing, rather than buying a new one, try repairing it yourself or ask someone in your family or neighborhood who does repairs for advice on how to fix it. If this isn’t possible and you do decide to buy a new one instead of repairing your old one, look into buying refurbished furniture or appliances instead of new ones. You’ll still be helping the environment by not contributing more waste into it while also saving yourself money. For those who enjoy doing crafts with their children (or even just themselves), there are plenty of ways to reuse items in craft projects. Paper towel rolls can become puppets; egg cartons can become windmills; cotton balls can become snowflakes…the possibilities are endless!
Sourcing Sustainably
When sourcing products for commercial and residential interior design projects, it’s important to look for those that are made from recycled materials, manufactured in an eco-friendly way and manufactured locally. Also consider looking at small businesses and fair trade businesses. These companies will help you source sustainable products.
Providing Sustainable Products
The use of sustainable materials, such as bamboo and cork, is a growing trend in the field of interior design. These materials can be used to make furniture, flooring, tiles and more. One way that these products are sustainable is by reducing the amount of carbon emissions produced during their creation (because they grow naturally). Another reason why they’re good for the environment: They don’t need to be replaced as often as other types of furniture or flooring! Another type of product that is becoming increasingly popular in sustainability practices for interior design is locally made items. Locally sourced products are typically made within 100 miles or less from where they will be used—this means less transportation costs (and therefore less pollution) when bringing them in from elsewhere around the world; it also means that there’s less chance something could go wrong during shipping process (such as damage due to poor packaging). In addition to helping out local economies by supporting businesses within your own community instead of those which may exist across country lines — buying local goods just makes sense environmentally speaking too.
Avoiding Toxic Materials
When it comes to interior design, one of the most important things you can do is to avoid toxic materials. Not only does this mean your home will be safer for you and your family, but it also reduces your impact on the environment. Some of the best ways to achieve this goal include:
- Using non-toxic materials
- Using recycled materials
- Using natural materials (such as wool) instead of synthetic ones (like polyester)
- Choosing sustainable fabrics and other materials
Reducing Waste and Carbon Footprints
Reducing waste and carbon footprints is an important part of sustainable interior design. In order to cut down on the amount of materials that are used, it’s important to reuse materials as much as possible. If you can’t reuse something, recycle it instead. Decide whether buying new items or using recycled materials will make more sense for your project. In some cases, using recycled materials may actually be cheaper than buying new ones.
- Reuse Materials
- Recycle Materials
- Use Recycled Materials In Place of New Materials
Choosing the Right Materials
- Choose materials that are sustainable.
- Choose materials that are recyclable.
- Choose materials that are biodegradable.
- Choose materials that are made from renewable resources (think bamboo and cork).
- Choose materials that are made from recycled materials, such as upcycled wood or recycled glass countertops.
There are a number of decisions you can make to renovate your space in the most sustainable way possible.
There are a number of decisions you can make to renovate your space in the most sustainable way possible. We should all try to be more sustainable, as it’s important for the future of our planet. The effects of climate change have been felt by all people around the world, not just those who live in low-income countries. In fact, it is estimated that by 2040 there will be about 4 million deaths per year due to climate change. This is not just an issue for developing nations like India and China—it’s an issue that everyone needs to address together if we want our planet saved. Renovating your home is one way that you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute towards being more sustainable.
There are many ways to be more sustainable when renovating your home or office space:
- Use eco-friendly paint on walls; this will help with indoor air quality while also reducing CO2 emissions from transportation costs associated with paint delivery trucks!
- Choose furniture made from recycled materials whenever possible; this reduces landfill waste while also saving trees (which provide oxygen) from being cut down for new furniture production lines.
Just remember: no matter what kind of renovation project you are undertaking, always keep one thing in mind: “Sustainability is not just about being green; it’s also about keeping costs down.”
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